Our Approach

Voter education

To combat the high levels of voter apathy, fatigue, and absence of voter outreach and education from local governments, Bronx Action works to demystify government via workshops, candidate forums, and get out the vote operations. To have political systems that work for low-income and working-class people, we have to build communities of informed and engaged voters ready to hold our elected officials accountable. 

Voter registration 

While we support the fight to expand and restore voting rights for all New Yorkers and make it accessible for all to participate in our democratic process, Bronx Action members are in the streets registering their neighbors and informing them of the multiple ways they can vote. 

Candidate endorsements 

More details to come on our endorsement process

Developing grassroots political leadership & governing power

While we are building the necessary political power for our members to have a seat at the governing table, we are developing their capacities to envision the transformational systems and visions we need for our Bronx communities. Bronx Action knows that it is important to simultaneously support our member’s abilities to build collective power and their vision of change with the aim of them being ready to exercise governing power once we’re at the table. 

Endorsed Bronx-wide platforms 

2021 City Level Bronx-Wide People's Platform

2020 Federal Level Bronx-Wide People's Platform